The "Oddballs" series is a dystopian reflection in which the artist delves into the essence of confusion through a collection of fantastical beings caught in moments of evident bewilderment. This realm is an intricately crafted, alternate universe populated with characters that have their own hierarchy and backstory.
According to labor management psychology, a group is a collection of individuals united by shared interests, professions, activities, and more. This is distinct from a crowd, which is an unorganized gathering or a mob. A group is a social entity where members interact in ways that allow for mutual influence—each person impacts and is impacted by the others.
We often underestimate the influence of our own context. Here, the Oddballs serve as mirrors, inviting viewers to take a closer look at themselves.
Confused: Why Our Intuitive Perceptions of the World Are Not Mistakes.
Anatoly wasn't willing to get out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars, but nobody wanted him even for free
Vitaly, captivated by Plato's allegory of the cave, strives to comprehend the archetypes, yet he's tormented by the awareness that absolute truth remains unattainable in this world of shadows and reflections
Vasily, an enthusiast, always smiled because he knew it made people uneasy
Arkady was eager to achieve his goal at any cost, but he didn't realize that payment would come due
Georgy, caught off guard by the chaos of events, struggled in vain to make sense of their nature
Self-Portrait of Complete Tranquility
Tolerance (How Many Things in the World Do I Not Need)
Svyatoslav Long Aspired to Become the Mayor. Twenty Minutes After His First Work Meeting
Ignat Took Responsibility for His Life
I Tried Everything and I Didn't Like It
Anatoly Accepts Love (Tries to)
An Audience Meticulously Peeping in an Attempt to Reevaluate Their Own Norms
I’m fine, just tired
You Can't (Rubicon)
Premature Joy from Unjustified Expectations
It is Not from Here (Image No. -1)
Desire (Olga Pavlovna Noticed New Opportunities on the Horizon Once Again)