Little People
In her works and projects, the artist frequently draws upon the language of Fauvism, Dadaist games, and naive techniques, including children's drawings. These elements create a space where characters embodying inner subpersonalities come to life, allowing them to express themselves with all the imperfections and inconsistencies of "childhood," yet imbued with a sincere naivety and honesty of feelings. These emotions are often suppressed by the rational approach to self prevalent today. Through this "naive," vibrant, and childlike perspective, we gain the ability to see ourselves and reconnect with our inner child.
And reclaim that space where the deepest and most sincere feelings are articulated through the simplest of gestures.
For the artist, childhood and naivety symbolize a return to fundamental origins. This realm is rich with wild, primitive expression, characterized by the use of primary orange—the only color devoid of a cool hue, representing a world without compromises.