Garden of Earthly Delights
This series of works represents the creation of an alternative world inhabited by characters caught in moments of unmistakable bewilderment.

They find themselves in situations where they confront the irrationality of this world, reflecting a state of disorientation and a quest for meaning amidst chaos.

The artist approaches the creation of this world with irony, deliberately incorporating elements of childlike drawing to underscore the pure, sincere naivety of her characters. This visual language, devoid of adult rationality, engenders a sense of immediacy—as if the viewer were seeing the world through a child's eyes. The simplicity of lines and forms accentuates the contrast between childlike innocence and the complexity of the situations in which the characters find themselves.

This series is a meditation on the nature of absurdity, on how we interact with the world, and on how naivety can serve as a tool for exploring complex existential questions.

Garden of Earthly Delights is a multi-layered project that balances playfulness and philosophy, inviting the viewer into a dialogue with both themselves and the surrounding reality.
Garden of Earthly Delights
Reflections on the Fragility of Human Motivation
Myopia: A Visual Defect in Which One Struggles to Discern
Silent Capitulation at a Family Celebration
I Didn’t Know What to Do, So I Just Stood There
and Watched It All Fall Apart
Profound Emotions in the Light
of Unattainable Expectations
Everything Is Different Here.
Especially Me (Emigration)
Taking Away Legs and the Last Glimmer of Hope
(I Am in the Center)
Committee of Inner Voices:
The Meeting Continues
Chronicle of the Quiet Acceptance of the Inevitable